• 1475 Caldwell Avenue, Ottawa ON K1Z 5L6

How We Help

The Caldwell Family Centre is committed to treating our community members with courtesy, dignity, and respect. We ask that our guests follow the same Golden Rule.

See our 2025 program and event flyer!
Food Security Programs
We provide between 350 and 500 healthy breakfasts and lunches each weekday at the Drop-in Centre.

Hours are:
  • breakfast served 8:00am to 9:30am
  • lunch served 1:00pm to 2:30pm
  • closed first Friday of the month
We provide off-site meals to low-income families, seniors, and those with mobility issues at four Ottawa Community Housing apartment buildings.
Food Bank:

As a member of the Ottawa Food Bank, we are restricted to residents in our service area. To see if you reside in our service area, please use the Ottawa Food Bank Finder tool at https://www.ottawafoodbank.ca/get-help/

Each day, from Tuesday to Friday, the Caldwell Family Centre provides 135 to 150 boxes of healthy food, baby supplies, and personal care items. This includes 1,800 adults and 1,000 children each month.

Recipients are asked to bring their own bags as well as government-issued ID showing name and address or photo ID and a utility bill for their residence. Wednesday food delivery is available to those who are unable to get to the Family Centre for pick up due to mobility issues. Call 613-728-1800 on Monday to register.

Food Bank at 6 Epworth Ave is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9 am to 11:30 am, 1 pm to 4 pm. Closed first Friday afternoon of the month.

Food Bank at 1475 Caldwell Ave. is open Thursdays 10 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 3 pm.

Please note that the Food Banks are closed to the Public on Tuesdays after Public Holidays.

Healthy Eating for Kids
Kids learn better when they are not hungry. Healthy food provides them with the ability to concentrate on their homework and other activities. We provide meals and snacks for children in after school programs, summer camps, PD day and March break programs.
Christmas Assistance
Christmas can be a lonely time for many, especially if getting together to celebrate with a festive meal is not in the budget. We provide assistance in the form of grocery gift cards, or special items in a food hamper. Registration starts in October, forms are available at reception, or by clicking here. Priority is given to those living in postal code areas: K1Y, K2A, K2G, K2C, K1Z. If you live outside of this area call 2-1-1 for the agency nearest to you.
Clothing Programs
Clothing Depot
Located behind 1475 Caldwell Ave., the Clothing Depot is a place where customers can purchase clothing, toys and household items at deeply discounted prices. This social enterprise provides opportunity for youth to gain work experience and Newcomers to receive a Canadian reference to help secure gainful employment. It also helps to fund the Clothing Assistance Program.

The Clothing Depot is open Thursdays and Fridays, 9am to 12pm and 1pm to 3pm.

Clothing and small kitchen items may be donated at the City View United Church at 6 Epworth Avenue, Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm,
Clothing Assistance
Families referred by other social service organizations receive free clothing, footwear, and household items, due to ongoing need, or an emergency like a fire, or having to flee an abusive situation. Delivery is available to families who are unable to travel to the Caldwell Family Centre for pickup.

Email [email protected] for information.
Support Services
Wraparound Services
Wraparound services work with existing programs to help reduce the effects of poverty, and find solutions to challenges like addiction, housing, or finding educational/training courses.
Drop-In Centre
The Drop-In provides a safe and welcoming place for anyone seeking companionship and social interaction to alleviate isolation.

Hours are:
  • Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 3:00pm
  • closed the first Friday of the month
Computer Café
Computers and Internet are expensive but are necessary to our lives as there is no such thing as a phonebook anymore. The Computer Café offers free access to computers, internet, scanning, and printing.

Hours are:
  • Monday through Wednesday 8:30am to 3:00pm
School Supplies
Back-to-school can be a very expensive time of the year. We provide backpacks with school supplies and shoes for kids attending kindergarten to grade 8. Registration starts in July, forms are available at reception. Priority is given to those living in postal code areas: K1Y, K2A, K2G, K2C, K1Z.

Email [email protected] for more information
Each year the Yolaine Münter and Caldwell Family Centre scholarships of $1,000 each are awarded to students who have shown the most improvement during their high school career. They can be used for college, university, or trades training. Applications are accepted in April and May.

Contact [email protected] for more information.
My Little Library
Working in partnership with community groups in the Caldwell area, we provide books for a Little Library where people can take-a-book and leave-a-book. Children’s books are especially popular.
Employment Readiness Programs
Stitch and Style Society
Participants learn to sew to gain employment, or open their own sewing/mending business from home. Help in creating resumes, searching and applying for jobs on-line, and participating in a job interview is also provided. Registration is required.
Computer Basics
Participants learn the basics of typical office software, and well as how to apply for jobs on-line. Registration is required.
Retail Training
One-on-one training on a cash register and retail display, is provided at the Clothing Depot.

Contact [email protected].