• 1100 Medford St, Units 20-22, Ottawa ON K1Z 8L5


Recruitment is now open! We are currently recruiting for board members.


CFC Board members have different experiences and histories, but they all share a commitment to the mission of the Caldwell Family Centre: reducing the impact of poverty in Ottawa.  Board members must be committed to acting in the best interests of the Centre and uphold the Centre’s key values of respect, empowerment, collaboration and security.

We are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, and welcome applicants from all backgrounds and experiences. Board members need to be at least 18 years old and must not be bankrupt or in violation of the Income Tax Act.  To help the organization succeed, the ideal Board member has experience in one or more of the following areas:

  • Financial management/ accounting;
  • Social service management;
  • Information technology;
  • Marketing/ communications/ public speaking;
  • Fundraising/ advocacy;
  • Human resources/ volunteer engagement and management;
  • Legal affairs/ policy development/ risk assessment and management;
  • Governance;
  • Strategic planning; and

Real estate/ commercial development.

The Board of Directors meets once per month for approximately 1.5-2.5 hours. Reports and other meeting materials are sent to the Board several days before the meeting, and Board members are expected to have read the materials in advance of the meeting.

Board members are elected for a three-year term and may be re-elected for consecutive terms.

Board members are committed to the mission and work of the Caldwell Family Centre. To this end, they are expected to

  • Prepare for, attend, and participate in monthly board meetings;
  • Foster a positive working relationship with other Board members and the Executive Director;
  • Promote the organization in the community;
  • Actively participate in fundraising activities; and
  • Actively participate in evaluation and planning efforts.

Board members are also expected to serve on at least one committee of the Board. While these committees may change in response to evolving needs, the current Board committees include:

  • Finance committee – focussed on ensuring accountability, stability and sustainability of the organziation;
  • Governance committee – focussed on developing policies and procedures to guide the functioning of the CFC board;
  • Board recruitment committee – focussed on finding and selecting candidates with the best skills and attributes to fill Board member vacancies; and
  • Bellevue committee – focussed on guiding the development of physical space enhancements to meet the growing needs of the CFC community.


Read the Volunteer Board Member posting in PDF format.

If this opportunity to help reduce the impact of poverty in the community sounds like it’s for you, please get in touch! For more information or to submit your cover letter and resumé, please contact:

 Bonnie Shaw (she/her/elle)
Coordinator of People Engagement
Coordinatrice de l’Engagement des Gens

Office: 613-728-1800 ext. 302